Insurance Medical Examination

The Insurance medical doctor (Verzekeringsarts) performs an medical examination to identify permanent restrictions (permanent medical limitations), if an employee has been absent in his own work (his stipulated labor) due to illness for a prolonged period

The Register Labor Expert (Register Arbeidsdeskundige) can then perform an assessment determining if the employee is fit for his or her own work or perhaps for a different function. The Labor Expert will also calculate the disability percentage (Arbeidsongeschiktheid-percentage).  The labor expert can also advise which adapted duties the employee can perform, at the current company or at a different company (outplacement).

When is an Insurance Medical assessment required?

When an employer wants to clarify whether an employee is fit for work or wants to consider opportunities for a suitable function.

  • When an employer wants to consider the re-integrations efforts undertaken so far.
  • When organizations such as SVb, insurance company, Court and lawfirm wish to establish the amount of benefit due to a claim following an accident

The disability assessment (American Medical Association) 

In case of an accident where there is permanent impairment the American Board Certified Medical Doctor can perform, in accordance with the American Medical Association Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent impairment, a Medical Exam to establish the percentage of disability.